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Marketing by

Facebook Ads + Prompt Engineering On STEROIDS: Craft A Killer Ad With ChatGPT

Looking to add a little Salt Bae spice to your Facebook ads (without the time sink)? Well, you’re in luck because Chat GPT has got some killer hacks to help you craft ads that are so good, they practically sell themselves!

Well almost. We can get about 70% of the way there by engineering the right prompts…by THINKING like a marketer.

With the power of artificial intelligence & my half baked humour on your side, you’ll be able to write Facebook ads that make money, impress your audience, and maybe even get a standing ovation. Okay, maybe not the standing ovation, let’s face it, the Facebook Ads comment section is like going for a swim in shark infested waters in a blood soaked wetsuit.

So why should you give me your precious attention?

In this video, we’ll show you how a powerful ChatGPT prompt hack to write good Facebook ads …fast! Say goodbye to used car salesman vibes with cringey ChatGPT copy. These prompts find the hooks & practically write the ad for you for.

Who Is Jules Dan?

I’m Obsessed About The No.1 Asset No One Can Take From You..Email

$23K Per Month & We Were Trying NOT To Sell Jules Set Up His Email Funnel In A Way We Had No Backlash About Selling To My List

We Made $25K From One Of Jules' FREE Emails. He's The Best Copywriter I've Ever Worked With

I Was Reliant On Cold Traffic But Wasn't Doing Anything To Nurture My list. Within The First Month His Emails Brought In $70,000 To The Business

When You’re Ready, Here’s How I Can Help You:

The 4 Hour Ca$h Campaign (free)

How do you take advantage of the A.I goldrush with your marketing? 

(Hint: it’s personality-pumping copy with the help of A.I)

This free mini course shows how to go from ad to booked call in under 4 hours with ChatGPT

The Email List Lifers 20 Day Challenge (Free)

This is how I’ve taken ice cold lists from zero to $140K in around 60 days.

Personality-Pumping emails.

Mind you, this takes commitment & work. Serious profits await those willing to roll up their sleeves with this challenge.

Profitable Persona Monthly Emails – Paid

Imagine Sending Some Simple Emails…
And See Sales Roll Through Tonight!

I’ve made it so simple to profit from email it’s just…

Copy. Fill-in-the-prompt. Send.

Expensive Consulting That Turns Your List Into A Lead Machine

I’ve reserved this for the content creator that knows they’re sitting on a goldmine (their list)… 

But don’t have the bandwidth to extract the treasure…without burning the list or selling out your reputation.